
Students may purchase lunch in the school cafeteria or they may bring a lunch to be eaten in the cafeteria. Students may not receive food deliveries from outside vendors. Alleman offers healthy meals every school day. Hot lunches and ala carte items are available. 

Lunch: $2.80
Reduced Lunch: $0.40
Ala Cart Pricing

Lunch Menus are available via the RenWeb portal.

Payment Options

Free & Reduced Lunch Application - English
Free & Reduced Lunch Application - Spanish

Free and Reduced Lunch Application - Please return by the First day of Classes
Set up an EZ Pay Account

Students are not able to charge if the balance is below $-10.00. To add money to your student's account, please set up and EZ Pay Account by following the instructions above. Cash or check can also be made payable to Alleman Cafeteria.

Example of a basic lunch:

Cheeseburger OR Spaghetti OR Soup
Cheeseburger (3oz) OR Spaghetti (8oz)
Choice of: Salad (8oz), Vegetable (8oz), Fruit (8oz)
Milk (White or chocolate) (8oz)
Soup (8oz)
Choice of: Salad (8oz), Vegetable (8oz), Fruit (8oz)
2 Bosco Sticks (3oz ea)
Milk (white or chocolate) (8oz)

If the student has one main item (cheeseburger or spaghetti) and gets a soup also, the soup ($1.30) is considered an ala carte item and the bosco sticks ($1.00 each) are also ala carte items. Monday is free cookie day. The students can get a free cookie that day with their lunch. If a bosco stick or dinner roll is on the menu for that day's lunch, it is included in the $2.80 basic lunch price.